Monday, December 31, 2012

The Welfare State - Transferring from the "haves" to the "haves"

A classical liberal state, as envisioned by our forefathers, limits itself to creating the

peaceful conditions within which the people are free to secure

their own well-being.  “Welfare states, in contrast, take

responsibility for securing the welfare of the people, not only the

conditions under which they seek their own well-being; accordingly,

welfare states tend to dominate, or even to monopolize,

provision of retirement security, medical care, education, and

income security, and organize massive transfer payments, often

justified in the name of transferring income from the “haves” to

the “have nots,” but typically shuffling—or churning—the great

bulk of the transfer payments among the “haves”…minus the handling fees and

ineffi ciencies generated by bureaucracies, political politicking,

and cronyism (After the Welfare State, Tom G. Palmer).”

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