Monday, December 17, 2012

Money in Politics

Those who complain about money in politics, and believe that money is corrupting our political system and causing many of today’s problems are complaining about a symptom, not a root cause of our problems.  Ask yourself, why do all these people, corporations, unions, and other special interest groups give to politicians for re-election?  They do so primarily for political favors…cronyism.  We can pass all the laws we want, but this purchasing of political favoritism  will not stop as long as the federal government has the far-ranging power it has (and growing) and politicians are able to use their positions to pick winners and losers.  We could solve most of these problems by adhering to the limited powers concept written into the U.S. Constitution.  We can solve most of these problems by reverting to being a Republic with most of the power vested in the states and not the federal government.  Is there really any reason that the federal government should be involved in education, in welfare, in health care, and in any other function that can be handled by the individual states.  But, some will say, the states cannot afford to take care of these functions.  Well, where does the federal government get its money (besides that which it prints, and which has no basis of value except blind faith that it has value)?  The federal government gets its money from the citizens of the states, so why not leave it in the states and let the states decide how it will be spent.  That is the only way that the influence of money in politics will be reduced...if the power of government is reduced.


  1. great perspective. i wish more people understood this and voted accordingly. would love to hear from you some time about practical ways that we can help transfer power back from the federal to state officials.

  2. Federal has great revenue from natural resources and taxes. Federal could provide each State with a portion of their revenue.
