Thursday, July 4, 2013

Resolution to Rename the Statue of Liberty, July 4, 2013

Resolution:  On this day, July 4, 2013, we resolve to rename the “Statue of Liberty” the “Statue of Equality,” on order to reflect the new enlightened common wisdom, which is not reflected in the current name of the Statue or in our outdated Constitution.   We also resolve that the poem on the base of the Statue of Equality shall be changed from “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” to “All are welcome who believe that each should contribute according to his ability, and each should receive an equal reward.”

The outdated thinking, as envisioned by our forefathers, was for Government to limit itself to creating the peaceful conditions within which the people are free to secure their own well-being, with an emphasis on freedom of the individual.  Any enlightened person will realize that this will lead to unequal outcomes, with some citizens having more than others.  Our collective wisdom now leads us to dictate that our Government should take responsibility for securing the welfare of all the people, and not just provide a structure under which they seek their own selfish, greedy individual well-being.  Thus, we collectively must provide retirement security, medical care, education, food, shelter, cell phones, and income security.  To accomplish this requires that the Federal Government organize massive transfer payments from the “haves” to the “have nots.” Of course, this will entail enormous handling fees and inefficiencies generated by bureaucracies, political politicking, and cronyism, but this is a small price to pay to the ensuing “equality” that we as a society so desire. 


  1. Let's not ignore the propping up of big business by conservatives. The eroding of our freedom started by Bush. The massive foreign aid, nation building, and invasion of other countries.

    Both R's and D's have destroyed this nation and many others for that matter. Its time for a third party to have its turn.

  2. Thanks for your comment. I agree this is not a political party is the total system, all three branches of government ignoring the Constitution. Unfortunately, so many people are "living" off the system now that it may be past the tipping point. So, all I know to do is to try and call attention to the problem and hope enough people recognize where we are headed and start demanding a change in course. I see it as citizens vs government, not Democrates vs. Republicans. Check out this article:

  3. additional food for thought regarding how broken and out of control our federal government is...this regarding how the senate ignores its own rules and passes laws that no-one has read (except the special interests who have written the language of the laws). even if you don't like rand paul, it is interesting to see how these bills are passed.

  4. Whatever happened to the right of conserving and protecting our history?? A lot of our Great grandmothers and Grandfathers first sight of the United States was the "STATUE OF LIBERTY" Why do you want to change that historic monument? Leave It!!!

  5. You do know what "tongue in cheek" means?

    1. LOL smh... It was obvious to me at least.

    2. Thanks Ryan...check out my other blog posts...would be interested in any comments and opinions you have.

  6. Very well written Bob. I agree wholeheartedly.

  7. Thanks Ryan...check out my other blog posts...I would be interested in any comments or thoughts you would have on any of them.
