Friday, January 25, 2013

Allocation of health care

If a chemical were discovered that gave lifetime  immunity to cancer (but would not treat existing cancer), and that chemical required huge amounts of raw material and processing costs and could only be produced in limited quantities, at a cost per individual treated of ten million dollars, who should receive the limited quantity of immunization and who should pay for it?

1 comment:

  1. If this were in the near future and no one is able to repeal obamacare, I would say that the elected officials in the several branches of the government would receive a definite dose. Then, the rest would be divvied up amongst the rest of the population at a higher cost to people making over $400,000.00 per year and at no cost to those below the ever increasing poverty level. This would, of course, give no one, except elected officials, immunity to cancer but, it would cost everyone a lot. However, as most people know, the private sector is much more intelligent than the public, so there is still hope yet.
